Sponsored Institutions
Since our arrival in California in 1924, the Sisters of Notre Dame have founded and administered in more than 20 schools. Today our sponsored institutions reach students from preschool all the way through high school, and as far away as Uganda.

Young women who are interested in learning more about women’s religious life are encouraged to schedule a visit with the sisters. We welcome women for anything from an evening of fellowship to an extended stay, and we would love to have you join us!
Reflection is a critical part of our community life, and we hope to share some of it with you. Follow this space to keep up with Sr. Marie Paul Grech’s blog, and view clips of some the sisters’ experiences on religious life. Click below!

...catching up on on the reruns Just in case you missed them...not exactly your usual "summer reruns." Uganda Mission Update An engaging, bite-sized update on the Uganda Mission. Learn more about the history, as well as the urgent need for a deep water well that serves the entire…
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The Sisters of Notre Dame reunited their four North American provinces, or administrative units, on July 5, 2023. The new national province includes sisters from Thousand Oaks, California; Covington, Kentucky; Chardon, Ohio and Toledo, Ohio. Chardon, Ohio will serve as the national headquarters for SND USA. The congregation’s…
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Sr. Shawn Marie Doyle has been helping at a local food pantry. In May, they started distributing food to families in distress as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. There were 12 cars and 44 people served. As of Saturday, July 4, they served food to 106 cars…
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Sr. Mary Domnic Jones, SND (Los Angeles) has made over 550 masks: 250 masks for Sisters, family and friends, the parish and school staff at St. Dominic’s in Eagle Rock, and essential workers such as the postal clerks, and an additional 300 masks for the Los Angeles Archdiocesan…
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